Friday, February 27, 2009


Baboon baby!

This family of mongoose showed up while I was studying stats!

Baby Cape buffalo, very cute!

Zebra foal!

Need to look this guy up again, but cool colors!

She was getting irritated with the birds.


Hyena on the night drive!

African elephants!

I've been really busy working on projects, so I don't have many new pictures, but I still have a ton from the first 3 sites. Skukuza has been nice so far. I'm living in a huge room with like 12 other people, but at least we have air con here. We went on a game drive this morning and the big highlight was a troop of baboons playing in the road. They're not my favorite animal, but this troop had a couple of really young ones that were absolutely adorable. We saw some great birds, including a couple of raptors. We have a free day Sunday with a ton of options for activities and I think I'm opting for a full day game drive. Apparently in this area, we would have an excellent chance of seeing carnivores and I'm still waiting for a good lion sighting. Until next time, Cheers!

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